Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Belief is a beautiful armor, it makes for the heaviest sword

I know that I believe in things that can be seen and proven. I believe in the power of music and art; they can produce so much emotion. With dance especially, there's no words traded, it's all interpretation based off of the body language and music and the way the performance transcends throughout everyone. I believe in the mysteries of science and your own being. After all, the average person only knows about their personality and attitude, not so much about little habits or why you do what you do/ act the way you do. I've been an avid believer in that and more but what I've been questioning for a while is religion. I feel like kids only follow a certain religion because of their parents and surrounding, and none of it is ever questioned. It's just "everyone has been telling me about god my whole life so I have to believe in that faith". The problem I have with religon is none of it can really be proven. If god really does/did exist then why doesn't everyone believe in the same one? How can the god Catholics believe in have created the earth, but other religons may not believe that. What is god then? If you believe he's a spirit then you can't say you don't believe in ghosts because they as well would be spirits. But on that note, I do believe in love although you can't see it. I guess you could say I believe in emotions and self awareness. I believe that reincarnation does occur. Straight up, I don't believe in God at the moment. All I know is to each his own.

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